This is my tuia writing we had to act as the object that we chose I was acting as a charcoal and acting what happened to me.
I am a Year 10 student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
My tuia writing
This is my tuia writing we had to act as the object that we chose I was acting as a charcoal and acting what happened to me.
Monday, September 2, 2019
My rep game
In the weekend on Sunday I had a reps game we traveled out to Kerikeri at 9 o´clock in the morning because we have to weigh ourselves at half past 9 so we can make the team I play under 11´s and the weight limit is 55kgs if I was to heavy I would have to play for under 12´s but I was 40kgs so I definitely made under 11´s. My team kicked of first the first 20 minutes of the game they got a try and a conversion. Unfortunately we lost they nilled us 63-0 whangarei south got 63 points and bay of island reps that is my team we got 0 points. hope you enjoyed my story about my rep game.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Rep trials
In the weekend on Sunday I had to leave kapahaka early because I had to go to my rugby reps instead of driving the quicker way out of Motatau my dad didn´t know the way out so we took the longer way out where it ends up at in Otiria I had all my rugby gears but my dad forgot my tape for my boots so I had to stop at home and grab it it was alright because it was only 11.30 I had to be there at 1 o'clock so I had heaps of time I got my tape and then we traveled out to KeriKeri when I got there my friend Lj, Jamie, Quin and Nikau were there. I jumped out of the car chucked my boots on and then ran over to my friends. The dumb thing was it took to long to get thew the under 12´s, under 13´s, under 10´s and under 11´s so we didn´t do the trial we just done weigh ins the under 12´s, under 13´s, under 10´s done their trial but we didn´t under 11´s because like I said they took to long so this Sunday we are doing the trial hopefully I make it in and my friends.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Fridays Assembly.
Last week on Friday my class and I had an assembly in the morning I would say about 8.30 we had to cross the road over to the other side of the school and set up the hall we set up the chairs so the other classes could sit and watch the items that we preformed. We set up the microphone, and the music speakers because when the assembly starts we sing the national anthem and we also done a dance I
can´t post the dance because we had technical difficulty´s so I can´t find it. My favourite item is the linked one because I am in it and it was funny my friend was in it too he was the first costumer. I hope you enjoy the that is linked. Doctors skit
can´t post the dance because we had technical difficulty´s so I can´t find it. My favourite item is the linked one because I am in it and it was funny my friend was in it too he was the first costumer. I hope you enjoy the that is linked. Doctors skit
Friday, August 2, 2019
My maths
This week I had to do my weekly three maths this is my first time I´ve posted a weekly 3 maths thing on my blog because every Friday I have kapa haka all day and I don´t have enough time to do my weekly 3 maths. I hope you enjoy my weekly 3 maths.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Last week on Thursday my friend Louie John and I went to our rugby game out in Kaikohe Ljs parents took me I am so grateful that they take me to every rugby training and if my parents can´t make it to one of my games Ljs parents would gladly take me. We got nilled by Kaikohe because our team weren´t deep enough so Lj is number 10 which is first five so that means he is the first peson to get the ball and I am second five which is number 12 and I am the second person to get the ball so when Lj passed the ball they all rushed up on me and I didn´t have anytime to pass the ball or run.
Last week on Thursday my friend Louie John and I went to our rugby game out in Kaikohe Ljs parents took me I am so grateful that they take me to every rugby training and if my parents can´t make it to one of my games Ljs parents would gladly take me. We got nilled by Kaikohe because our team weren´t deep enough so Lj is number 10 which is first five so that means he is the first peson to get the ball and I am second five which is number 12 and I am the second person to get the ball so when Lj passed the ball they all rushed up on me and I didn´t have anytime to pass the ball or run.
Monday, July 22, 2019
My holiday
In the holidays it was hard because we kapa haka for the first week of the holidays we didn´t quite achieve our goal by finishing 4 items we only successfully complete 2 items. I recon we could of finished all 4 items but we were just mucking around to much and on Wednesday we only finished 1 item which was the whakawatea which is the ending of our performance. On Thursday we learnt all the words to our waiatatera which is the first item in our performance.
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Last week on Friday my team and I traveled to Maromaku to play rugby for our school. I think we did pretty alright. We had five rugby games we lost 4 and won 1 against a mixed team I think the teams that were mixed was Waikare, Maromaku, Karetu and Hikurenui. The teams we lost against were Taumarere, Moerewa, Whangaruru and the mixed team yup we vs them twice and lost the first time.
Monday, June 24, 2019
My rugby game against Kaikohe
On the weekend I traveled from Moerewa to United KawaKawa in Karetu to give Kaikohe a harty rugby game it was a hard game our captain Lj and Kaikohes captain done rock paper scissors Kaikohe won so they chose if they wanted to kick or receive the ball which means our team kicks the ball and the other team catches the ball. In the first half of the game we got 15 score points and Kaikohe got 15 score points as well. In the secound half we got 5 score points and Kaikohe 15 score points again so it was 20-30 it was a very hard game. I recon Kaikohe played an amazing game and I think they are undefeated. I hope you enjoyed my story about my rugby game against Kaikohe.
Monday, June 10, 2019
My Rugby game
On the weekend I went to united Kawakawa for my rugby game my team and I versed kerikeri red the best team in our under 11s grade. In the first half of our game keri red scored 15 and my team scored 0 but in the second half of our game I got the first try I ran down the five metre line and then stepped back in and then scored the try. Unfortunately my good friend Varden missed the conversion it was last play my friend quin went to catch the ball but then dropped it and that was second half my team finished on 15 and Keri red finished on 27. I hope you enjoyed my rugby game story. #NOT MADE UP
Monday, May 27, 2019
My kapa haka wananga
On the weekend I had to come back to school to do kapa haka because in term 4 week 5 my group and I are going to Waikato in Hamilton for kapa haka nationals. We are training very hard this year to win place top 10, top 5 or even win the competition which will be very hard to make it come true but if we keep working hard we will achieve our goal by placing under top 20 which will be amazing to achieve. hope you enjoyed my writing.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
school values
This week we have been learning about school values of what would kawakawa primary school be doing if they were showing the three 3rs (Respect,Responsible and resilient) it was me and my partner Qaiden it was kinda cool. hope you enjoy.
Monday, April 29, 2019
My holiday.
On the holidays My grandfather stayed at my house for one week every morning we would clean up the house and then when we were done cleaning we would play the game all day we were doing this 24-7 we would play fortnite I would go full ttv try hard so I got a win every time. I atleast died about two or three times a day I would either come second or fourth with 8 to 10 kills. The other game we would play was ufc 2 we would choose a weight and pick a fighter and go threw the whole weight I would say their was about 30 to 40 fighters in a weight it was hard and we would keep it on pro so that means they are even harder.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Women suffrage
Last week we were learning about women suffrage movement and we had to write five fact about women suffrage movement. Hope you enjoy.
Monday, March 25, 2019
My rugby game
On The weekend Qaiden and I had a rugby game.
Qaiden and I were having a nice game against Kerikeri. We had scored five tries and the other team scored 0 tries When we scored 5 tries it was the first five minutes. The next 25 minutes we got 15 tries and Kerikeri got 5 tries then it was half time. Both halves were 30 minutes so we played for an hour.
Qaiden and I were having a nice game against Kerikeri. We had scored five tries and the other team scored 0 tries When we scored 5 tries it was the first five minutes. The next 25 minutes we got 15 tries and Kerikeri got 5 tries then it was half time. Both halves were 30 minutes so we played for an hour.
Monday, March 18, 2019
League game
My first League game in 6 months
On the weekend we traveled to whangarei the team the we vs was takahewai they were very challenging. Our grade was under elevens. Our team was called the moerewa tigers our team scored five tries and the other team scored six it was a very close game but in the end takahewai won. It was supposed to be thirteen on the field but we only had eleven so to make it even the other team put two of their players on our team.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Notely Poem
This is my peom we had to choose 20 words about our object, once we did that we had to cut 2 that didn't go with it.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Game with Qaiden on fortnite.
Fortnite again but duos with my friend (Qaiden).
On our first game we landed salty springs Qaiden had already gotten 2 kills while I was looting the houses my first chest I found was a lucky chest it gave me minis, big pot and a legendary scar Qaiden had gotten a legendary heavy assault rifle a chug jug and a heavy sniper and he had a grenade laucher and a lauch pad so I used the lauch to get to him and I 360 no scoped him and won the game. Qaiden had already gotten 7 kills while I had only 5 kills.
On our first game we landed salty springs Qaiden had already gotten 2 kills while I was looting the houses my first chest I found was a lucky chest it gave me minis, big pot and a legendary scar Qaiden had gotten a legendary heavy assault rifle a chug jug and a heavy sniper and he had a grenade laucher and a lauch pad so I used the lauch to get to him and I 360 no scoped him and won the game. Qaiden had already gotten 7 kills while I had only 5 kills.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Game of Fortnite
Every Monday we can do free writing for 20 minuets and I can write anything I want.
last week I was playing a lot of Fortnite on Monday I got a 12 kill win on solo squads their were a lot of bots playing so I destroyed them all their were some pros they were very hard but I got the high ground and built over them with my stairs it was the easiest game I have ever played and I´m pretty trash at the game. The pros that were on the game were the same as me at playing so they were pretty trash. My next game I played it took me awhile to notice but I was playing a solo scrims if you don't know what a solo scrims is it is like when people want to be a pro so they go try hard at the game so I placed to 50 in the game they just built over me and destroyed me I got 4 kills but they were really hard to beat but they were kinda trash at the game.
last week I was playing a lot of Fortnite on Monday I got a 12 kill win on solo squads their were a lot of bots playing so I destroyed them all their were some pros they were very hard but I got the high ground and built over them with my stairs it was the easiest game I have ever played and I´m pretty trash at the game. The pros that were on the game were the same as me at playing so they were pretty trash. My next game I played it took me awhile to notice but I was playing a solo scrims if you don't know what a solo scrims is it is like when people want to be a pro so they go try hard at the game so I placed to 50 in the game they just built over me and destroyed me I got 4 kills but they were really hard to beat but they were kinda trash at the game.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Race the Auckland blues
This term I got the amazing opportunity to race one of the Auckland blues unfortunately I lost to one of my friends but I came a tie with the second fastest boy in the school but the one that came first was my good friend Qaiden go check his blog out and see what he has in store for you guys.@
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