Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Nga kupu matua

 For this mahi we learnt about managing the environment and three main concepts for this topic. The three concepts are Kaitiakitanga, turangawaewae and wahi tapu. We were researching and finding the definitions and what the concepts mean and how well we understand the concepts.

This is what we did.


  • What is the definition of the word: There are many different definitions for this concept like guardianship, trusteeship, stewardship and trust.

  • Give examples: Trust, trusteeship, guardianship and stewardship.

  • What are some problems you may face along the way when dealing with the concept: The problems with this concept is you may think someone is kaitiakitanga and you have given them your trust and they break that trust.

  • What would a solution be to that problem: By not trusting anyone unless you are really really confident that they will value your trust and give their trust in return.

  • Are you for or against this concept and explain why: I am for this concept because you might not have trust or you might not be good at trusting people but you can always have guardianship for other people or you might have someone that is your guardian.


  • What is the definition of the word:A place where one has rights of residence and belonging through kinship and whakapapa

  • Give an examples: Your house, whare

  • What are some problems you may face along the way when dealing with the concept: You may think you have rights of residence with one place but could get mistaken and probably get embarrassed.

  • What would a solution be to that problem:To learn information about where you are going to see if you have rights of residence.

  • Are you for or against this concept and explain why: I am indecisive whether to choose I am for or against this concept because many people could have rights of residence and belonging through kinship and whakapapa.

Wāhi tapu

  • What is the definition of the word: Tapu land, Tapu site.

  • Give examples: For example a cemetery, battle site or a place that has tapu weapons, objects etc.

  • What are some problems you may face along the way when dealing with the concept: You could get really sick or makatu (cursed). 

  • What would a solution be to that problem: To make sure you wash your hands or are blessed.

  • Are you for or against this concept and explain why: I am for this concept because it gives a reason for people to respect and cherish the whenua. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Future planning

 My understanding of career: Career is what you plan to pursue in the future. It could be anything from a lawyer to an NRL Player. It's all based on your educational life. If you do bad in school you're more likely to get a low paying job, same goes if you do good in school but you're more likely to get a high paying job.

My understanding of Kotahitanga: My understanding of Kotahitanga is it basically means either working as one or come together to achieve a goal

My understanding of Rangatiratanga: My understanding of this concept is it means leadership, But to break down the concept, ranga means to seek or research, tira means group and tanga means action. So Rangatiratanga means seeking/researching for a group and that is the action.

How do the concepts relate to future planning: These concepts relate so much to future planning like career is basically future planning. Kotahitanga relates to future planning because not all jobs require independence and working alone you need to work as one to achieve your goal in getting a job that requires team work. Now last but not least rangatiratanga. The bosses and managers research you and a group to see if you are fit for the job you are willing to persue.

What have I learnt during this topic: I have learnt about taxes, incomes and what your yearly salary will be of whatever job your are trying to pursue. I also learnt how many years it takes to get a job.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


 For this mahi we chose one successful NZ entrepreneur and for this mahi it asked How did your entrepreneur get the idea? Joerg and Bernd created broken heart gin because They were fond and passionate about perfecting spirits of rare complexity and fine flavors.

What obstacles did he/she face in order to get the product on the market? While they were making the gin, Bernd suddenly became ill and passed away, this put his partner Joerg in a bad mental state for a few months so they stopped producing the gin.

Where did the product name come from? As Joerg was going down his road of being mentally broken down, he realized that as much as a broken heart hurts, it's also a space to be filled with new beginnings and so he decided to share the superb gin with the world and to call it Broken Heart gin.

What has made the Entrepreneur famous? The reason it got famous is because after all that hard work he sold it in the south of New Zealand and it slowly grew and ended up winning an award which really set off the business.

In what year was the product invented? After a long journey the gin was published in september 2012.

How much is the company worth? I don’t know how much the company is worth but one bottle is worth $16.99.

Mihi mahi interview preperation

 On this mahi we were basically getting prepared for whenever we are interviewed for our jobs we would like to pursue. It asked questions like Who am I? I just explained Where I'm from, my age, my full name and so on. Another question it asked was what are your Achievements? A few of my achievements is getting the junior maori trophy for year 9, going to Thailand for kickboxing and winning and a lot more.


 This term we chose what career pathways we would like to pursue in the a lot of people had very different careers they would like to pursue but some were also similar or exactly the same like a few people wanted to be apart of the army, some people wanted to be apart of marine biology. The three career pathways I chose and really hope I am apart of are Pilot but for the navy, a Lawyer but a Barrister lawyer and an Nrl player and I'd really love to play for the Sydney Roosters.

Monday, August 22, 2022

The real game

 The real game. The real game pukamahi was about understanding budgeting and financial difficulties you will encounter along the pathway of your career. The yearly salary you gain in whatever career you choose pays for vacations, housing, transportation, food etc. This booklet is a good life lesson on how to save your money. It is also setting us up to having a bright and successful future. It helps us believe and have hope that we can live our dream lives and make our family happy. The career I have chosen is an NRL player, the average salary of a high ranking player is around 5-9.4 million to fit with my first house. My house will cost 575,000$ in full or 1,800$ monthly. The car I chose was a scooter, a brand new one in full would cost 3,500$ or 146$ monthly for a year. None of that includes your interest, technology, gym memberships etc. If I were to go on a holiday vacation I wouldn’t need to worry about saving, taxes, monthly income because my yearly salary could afford basically anything I want. This is why I inspire to be an NRL player because I want my future to be bright and have no worries “Hakuna Matata” about any expenses or financial difficulties.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Leadership & Government

 This term we learnt about Government and leadership and what it takes to become a leader.

For my evidence and what I know about leadership and government is that the government is split into parties for example the ones we vote for are Labour and National. For a leader it takes confidence, integrity, delegation, communication, self-awareness and gratitude. If you don't know already the government is the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated.

I have found out that if you are above the age of 18 you are eligible to vote and that the North land member of parliament is Willow-jean Prime and she is part of the Labour party.  In my opinion a good leader in my eyes is our prime minister Jacinda Adern, she has all the qualities of a good leader like I explained in my evidence.

A lesson I learnt throughout this term is how parliament and parties work in government and what qualities you should have to becoming a good leader.

This is my leadership speech I did quite a while ago.

I bet you're asking yourself, How do I become a leader? Or I want to be a leader for these people. I don't entirely have an answer for you but I know a way or an explanation you can use that will guide you on your pathway to becoming an excellent leader.

The pathway leaders take is never the easiest. Ask all leaders around the world and they will all say they took the hardest pathway that had the most obstacles. Leaders are never always perfect, they always fail somewhere down their journey but the thing that makes them leaders is not how much they fall it's whether they get back up or not. There's a saying that goes around and it says “failure is a pathway to success”. People that dont want to try and become leaders are always the ones that are scared of failure and will give up very quickly and easily. Confidence is a very important and good asset to have to become a leader. But people don't expect you to be confident right away, build your confidence up as you go through your journey until you can confidently speak in front of a crowd without freezing up or being scared, but a lot of very powerful leaders in the old generation and this generation still get nervous in front of big crowds they've just learnt to hide their nerves that's why they are such good leaders because they have developed their speaking skills enough to be able to speak in front of big crowds.

So to sum up everything that has been said in my speech, you can't become a leader straight away without failure and success, and that leaders build up confidence. THE END