Monday, February 25, 2019

Game of Fortnite

Every Monday we can do free writing for 20 minuets and I can write anything I want.

last week I was playing a lot of Fortnite on Monday I got a 12 kill win on solo squads their were a lot of bots playing so I destroyed them all their were some pros they were very hard but I got the high ground and built over them with my stairs it was the easiest game I have ever played and I´m pretty trash at the game. The pros that were on the game were the same as me at playing so they were pretty trash. My next game I played it took me awhile to notice but I was playing a solo scrims if you don't know what a solo scrims is it is like when people want to be a pro so they go try hard at the game so I placed to 50 in the game they just built over me and destroyed me I got 4 kills but they were really hard to beat but they were kinda trash at the game.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Race the Auckland blues

This term I got the amazing opportunity to race one of the Auckland blues unfortunately I lost to one of my friends but I came a tie with the second fastest boy in the school but the one that came first was my good friend Qaiden go check his blog out and see what he has in store for you guys.@