Monday, November 26, 2018


I chose this piece of writing because I really like jaguars they are one of my favorite animals another reason why I chose this piece is because I learnt that jaguars have the most powerful bite force out all big cats. This piece of writing was pretty easy because it is easy to explain my writing. The hard thing was to make my paragraph correct because I had not organised my paragraphs. My next step is to use more punctuation and my other thing I am going to work on is to use better vocabulary and to organi
ze my paragraphs before I start writing.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Kapa haka

I am very experience with my kapa haka I just finished  regionals we placed 3 and we made to nationals we manly placed 3 or first in our items but the only things we didn`t place in was the boy kaea (boy leader) and the haka it was quite sad but we still made to nationals which is amazing and I can`t wait till next year to go and perform in waikato in Hamilton I am very excited and the other cool thing is that the people that go to college can come back and perform and train with us so very excited hears a video of us performing at regionals. Regionals 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Maori instructions

 My partner and I We are learning to go through this maze our task was to go though this maze with our  eyes are closed the directions we learnt in maori was funny, fun and cool I had really enjoyed doing this with my partner.I found this really easy because my friend made the directions easy the maori words for the directions are go straight haere totika go down heke iho go up piki ake and stop ka tu. maybe you can check out my friends blog

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Song maker

This week we have been learning to make music on music maker it was very fun and funny to make my friend and I were craking 😂  up. It was very easy to make and to publish to my blog.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Te reo selfie

Te reo selfie
Hello for the last two terms we have been working on a te reo selfie video. It is about describing  yourself in Maori it was very hard but I got it done the hard thing was remembering your lines. just click the link and it will take you to kizoa and show you my video goodbye and hope you enjoy.

Friday, August 10, 2018

My te reo maori

My math eyes

This week my class and I have taking photos around the school playground and using our math eyes and see what kind of math we can see in our photo.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

My reading activity

This is my seals reading activity. The thing that was hard about my reading activity was finding the facts for my appearance, Diet, Habitat, Dangers but in the end I got all of my facts.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Monday, July 2, 2018

Creepy forest

The name creepy forest got its name from all of the darkness and the mysterious noises that was happening around the dad,Cruise. Son, Liam. mum,gabrielle, daughter, Paris and the dog that was a husky. As they all looked in the distance they all seen a bunch of gloomy yellow eyes. As the sun was just coming up for the morning.

The family started to get worried and they started to hear ghostly noises the trees were blocking the sun light and it was very dark and creepy the only sunlight they could see was at the end of the creepy forest. Even a shimmer of light was struggling to shine through the trees.

As the wind closed the trees up so there was no sunlight not even a shimmer of light was shining through the trees and a blink of an eye liam somehow he vanished the family got worried they started to keep walking and another blink of an eye paris vanished. It’s just gabrielle,cruise and the husky.

As the husky sniffed down the creepy forest they found a house and they heard
Liam and Paris scream and  Gabrielle and Cruise said “just wait there”
and then cruise busted down the door and the dog started barking at the kidnapper

And then gabrielle and cruise grabbed paris and liam.

The dog started sniffing again the family was following the dog after two miles of walking and starvation and dehydration they finally came to gas station they all had twenty dollars they all bought themselves some food and some drinks cruise bought the dog some dog food then they found a gps and they found themselves home.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Don't bully

Friday, May 11, 2018

term 2 writing

Orientation - an opening statement that identifies the problem, place, facility and/or defines the topic. Do you know how much rubbish affects our wildlife and sea. Animals in the wild and in the sea end up dying because they eat the rubbish that's been left over from humans and their lungs get blocked and then they will think that they are full but their not and they end up dying from starvation.Also when the rubbish gets into their habitat it destroys it and sometimes it kills them and if it keeps on going any one of those animals start getting extinct. We need to start picking up our rubbish because it almost about 14,000 sea animals die because of us as long as we keep dropping our rubbish animals will keep dying and getting sick. Body - points of explanation supported by examples or factual information (new idea/point = new paragraph - Enter twice and indent (push tab once)) Did you know more than 100,000 mammals and sea animal die a year. More animals keep dying each year because some people don't know that what they are doing is wrong. But thanks to the sea cleaners there helping half of our sea animals and the other half dies. When rubbish gets out to the wild it drys up and splits into little pieces and animals like to eat them because they think also food and because it's shiny. The main animals that die in the sea for eating rubbish are Sharks,Fish,Seagulls,Sea turtles, and whales and that’s a lot of them so if we see some rubbish on the beach or in the sea please pick it up like if you go out fishing and see some rubbish get it out of the rubbish because birds could think it’s food at the surface then they could Accidentally eat the rubbish then die that's the same with animals in the ocean they could think it’s food at the surface so they come out of the depths of the sea and eat the rubbish Ending - a closing statement that draws the writing to a satisfactory conclusion. For example by summarizing the main points.

My writing is about rubbish and how clean is our environment for my writing it's hard to do paragraphs because I don't know when to do paragraphs.Hope you enjoy my blog post.

Friday, May 4, 2018

sea cleaners

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018

post card

Dayton is a ford mustang zooming across the field

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Dayton hits Thailand

On Friday week 5 I left to go to Thailand kick boxing it was a long flight first I flew
to Sydney stayed there for a day then flew to Thailand.It was a four hour flight from
New zealand to Sydney and it was 10 hours from Sydney to Thailand hope you enjoy.

Friday, March 2, 2018

My learning map

On my learning map it was easy to write all of my reasons.What I found hard was when I had to write stuff for my reasons.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I am poem

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

My pepeha