Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Paragraph:The past term we have been learning about migration and Nukutawhiti migrating to New Zealand by chasing the giant Wheke (giant octopus) and how his wife Kuramarotini named New Zealand Aotearoa (The land of the long white cloud)by saying whakatauki He ao he aotea he aotea he aotearoa.Migration is sort of like moving to a different country or state.A place is a certain location referred as place or a location you stay at for an example your house is a place.Change is when something goes from one thing to another like a baby getting changed in its clothes.This topic relates to english because we read a book about a boy who migrated to a few states and countries.This topic challenged me because at the start I didn’t know what migration meant.My research project supported me because it taught me what migration meant.My overall view on the topic is I’ve finally learnt what migration means and I have some facts about migration.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Balaclava story word art

Last week I made a word art with fifty words and all of them are key words in the story I read called The Balaclava story and it's about a boy that got left out because he didn't have a balaclava.A balaclava is a ski mask that covers your forehead and mouth.The most interesting part in the story was when he found a balaclava in the toilet then stuffed it down his friends coat sleeve.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Own push,pull factors and intervening obstacles

 I am going to reflect on my mahi I have been doing for the past week about people who want to do stuff but they have a pull factor and intervening obstacles.It’s about different types of people who want different kinds of stuff with their push factors, something that pushes them to do what they want but there are also pull factors that put them down from doing what they want.I have learnt about push and pull factors and also intervening obstacles.This topic is also like the other work we have been doing in class like migration mahi because all the people I have written about have migrated to a country or a state.That in life there are pull factors that will try to put down from doing work and intervening courses.My overall view of this topic is: Even if you are pulled from your desire, always remember there are also push factors that will help your desire.