Friday, November 19, 2021

Being globally minded

Being globally minded

  1. Write your understanding of the key concepts for this topic:


An economy is a system of making and trading things of value. It is usually divided into goods and services. So the producers make the goods and consumers trade and buy those goods.


Trade is the action of buying and selling goods and services. Trading is also important because it helps with economic growth, also supporting good jobs at home, raising living standards and helping people provide for their families by being able to afford goods and services.


Globalisation is the speedup of human beings, goods and services, capital, technology and cultural practices all over the world. Globalisation also promotes and increases interactions between different regions and populations around the world.

  1. Add a report on the NZ Export Product you researched this term 

My New Zealand export product is AFFCO. AFFCO has been at the forefront of the meat industry for over 100 years, providing other countries with New Zealand's finest premium meat ever since. AFFCO was proudly owned by New Zealand in 1904. The first location for AFFCO was Southdown in MT Wellington, Auckland. The opening was described as “a carnival affair”. Then it slowly moved up north to a place called Moerewa and is still serving other countries like Germany, USA, AUS, China, Japan, Korea and South Korea Oh I also forgot to mention the United Kingdom. Fun fact: New Zealand’s first consignment of frozen meat was exported to Great Britain from port chalmers, Dunedin.The meat was frozen frozen aboard the ship. This was done in 1884.

My opinion on this export product is that it is really good because even though AFFCO is in a small town it is still providing and selling to different countries, very big countries to be exact like Germany, USA, AUS, China, Japan, Korea, South Korea and the United Kingdom.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

9T english


This is my reflection on what I have done and learnt in my year 9 English class this year.

The activities and work we did this year were Getting to know myself so in that mahi we just wrote about our hobbies and things we love and like to do and also facts about ourselves we also had to add photos to give it more detail and color to our mahi. Another piece of work we had to do was our speech and this speech was about a person we admired or who we wanna grow up to be just like. Our last mahi we had to do for term 1 was what we know about the treaty of Waitangi. This is my reflection on our term 1 English work.

In term 2 the mahi we had to do was a reading response on a book called See ya Simon, this book was about a boy who had muscular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy is a disease given to you at birth but it isn't as bad when your a newborn but as you grow older the more the disease affects you, this disease weakens your muscles and makes you very very skinny and by the time your 10 or 11 you won't be able to walk you will have to be pushed in a wheelchair. Then by the time your 12 or 13 you will eventually pass away because your body cannot handle it. So that is what See ya Simon was about. The next mahi we had to do for term 2 was another reading response but this time is was about a comic you read, my comic book was about the ancient demi god named Hercules. The title of the story was The Incredible Hercules. Hercules is a demi god, son of the powerful thunder god Zeus. The story was about Hercules meeting a human boy named Amadeus who could save the world but the rest of the gods were against Hercules teaming up with boy because he was human and they said "We would rather kill him!" and they all rushed at him but Hercules jumped in front of him protecting him and said "If you wanna get to him, You'll have to get through me first!". That's basically what is was about. This is my reflection on our term 2 English mahi.

In term 3 our mahi was about film studies. We learnt about different camera angles and shots that directors use in movies like a high angle shot, a low angle shot, a three man shot and a two man shot. There are many more but it's just to much to name that's how many there are. We also watched movies and short films and after we watched them we had to name all the different camera shots and camera angles they used. All of the films we watched were Dust buddies, Kung foo panda, Frosty and the BMX kid and New boy. This is our reflection of term 3 English mahi.

For this term we learnt about creative writing and different Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Similes, Alliteration, Metaphors and Personification. We also done a letter to ourselves but on our first day of school, it is just a letter about what we need to expect about college and how it is not as bad as you think. This is my reflection on our term 4 mahi.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My jungle creative writing

My jungle scene contains Sparkling water running down the waterfall with an enormous elephant in the back, The parrot that is as blue as the sky, A tiger behind the trees sneaking around probably looking for prey, The cute mort waving at the picture, two very tired looking sloths, a very curious monkey, a lizard that is as still as a statue, a turtle that is as slow as a snail, a massive hippo grey as the angry clouds and very hypo looking fish jumping around with joy.

The scenery is so majestic the water is falling down hard trying to break the earth then running down the hill as if it was running away from danger, the water was shiny, reflecting off the shiny bright sun.l The trees and grass is so clean and beautiful it gives life to everything around it. The cliff in the background is so big and staunch like a giant castle wall protecting people from danger. The water wickedly went down the waterfall.

Wild animal in the jungle scene illustration Stock Vector Image & Art -  Alamy 

Friday, September 24, 2021

My blog post

 Kia ora e aku hoa ko Dayton toku ingoa, no te kura o Pewhairangi ahau kei te whakamarama ahau kia koutou, Ko te kaupapa i rangahau e toku karaihe a 9T i tenei wahanga, ko te kaupapa kua rangahau e tatou i tenei wahanga ko te, Toku ahurea and Rangahau Ahurea Rereke.

Kei te mahi ahau i te Hapanihi a he ruarua nei nga korero e hiahia ana ahau ki te tohatoha.

  1. “Bo waki mairo, BAKA”. Ko te tikanga “Kia mohio ki to waahi, KOREWAI.

  2. "Yo waimo" Ko te tikanga "He ngoikore koe"

  3. "Nanda, Nanda" Ko te tikanga tenei "He aha te take o konei?

Ko tenei taunakitanga kua whakakitea e au ka mohio ahau he mohio au ki te reo Hapanihi.

Ki ōku whakaaro he mīharo tēnei kaupapa nāteamea, Nateamea he pai tenei ahurea ki ahau.

Nōreira kei aku nui, kei aku rahi. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Paragraph:The past term we have been learning about migration and Nukutawhiti migrating to New Zealand by chasing the giant Wheke (giant octopus) and how his wife Kuramarotini named New Zealand Aotearoa (The land of the long white cloud)by saying whakatauki He ao he aotea he aotea he aotearoa.Migration is sort of like moving to a different country or state.A place is a certain location referred as place or a location you stay at for an example your house is a place.Change is when something goes from one thing to another like a baby getting changed in its clothes.This topic relates to english because we read a book about a boy who migrated to a few states and countries.This topic challenged me because at the start I didn’t know what migration meant.My research project supported me because it taught me what migration meant.My overall view on the topic is I’ve finally learnt what migration means and I have some facts about migration.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Balaclava story word art

Last week I made a word art with fifty words and all of them are key words in the story I read called The Balaclava story and it's about a boy that got left out because he didn't have a balaclava.A balaclava is a ski mask that covers your forehead and mouth.The most interesting part in the story was when he found a balaclava in the toilet then stuffed it down his friends coat sleeve.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Own push,pull factors and intervening obstacles

 I am going to reflect on my mahi I have been doing for the past week about people who want to do stuff but they have a pull factor and intervening obstacles.It’s about different types of people who want different kinds of stuff with their push factors, something that pushes them to do what they want but there are also pull factors that put them down from doing what they want.I have learnt about push and pull factors and also intervening obstacles.This topic is also like the other work we have been doing in class like migration mahi because all the people I have written about have migrated to a country or a state.That in life there are pull factors that will try to put down from doing work and intervening courses.My overall view of this topic is: Even if you are pulled from your desire, always remember there are also push factors that will help your desire.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

See ya Simon Soccer scene


My class and I read a book named See Ya Simon and I chose one scene to reenacted in the book it was from the first chapter where Simon caught the ball in his lap then rolled his way to the goal then scored.Simon scored even though he's in a wheelchair so that means even if something bad has happened to you don't stop doing the things you love and never ever give up 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Refugees simulator

 The game is about survival skills and that there are actually people that live like this.It made me feel frustrated because we had to swap out very valuable stuff and it also made me feel sorry for the people that have to live like this.I learnt very good survival skills and I learnt that I should never take this as a joke.Since World War II New Zealand has resettled over 35,000 refugees. The Government established a formal annual quota for the resettlement of refugees in 1987. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Moving to another country

 I am reflecting on my mahi that I did this week.It is about migration and moving to another country.It is about how it was like in that country,any facts about it and any top rated places in the country.I have learnt a few words in Thailand language like Thank you,Your welcome and good morning and some of the best foods you can find there.Learning this topic was like learning about my tupuna and their migration.My research project supports my learning by showing my teacher all the stuff I know about the country I am researching.I know a lot about Thailand and that it is also a dangerous place if you don’t know where you are or what you are doing. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

What really happened on the treaty of Waitangi

 Kia ora ko Dayton toku ingoa.Hello My name is Dayton I am going to give you a reflection on my term 1 mahi. We learned about what really happened on the treaty of Waitangi,Who signed the treaty and who disagreed with the pakeha.Their positive things I saw in the episodes was that there was some pakeha cooperating with the maori and a lot of families happy and staying positive.A thoughtful act someone did was a maori chief  named Hone Heke because he cooperated with the pakeha and signed the treaty.How some chiefs didn’t want to agree with the treaty of the Waitangi or the pakeha,Some chiefs didn’t agree with the treaty at all and wanted the pakeha to leave.How did the war end and why did the british end up leaving?

Monday, March 29, 2021

About me

 Kia ora ko Dayton toku ingoa. Hello my name is Dayton and welcome to my blog. I go to a Northland college named Bay of Islands College it is my first year at Bay and so far I am liking it.

In my family I have 3 brothers and no sisters.I am good at sports,reading and spelling. 

I enjoy professional fighting,rugby,league,touch and rugby league.My favourite subjects are PE and Music.I am looking forward to the junior volleyball in Term 3.My personal achievements was player of the year in 2018,most valuable player in 2019 these are for rugby. Also in 2018 I traveled to Thailand for professional fighting and won 2 gold medals.I also participated in kapa haka for 4 years we only made it to Nationals once.