Monday, October 17, 2022

Future planning

 My understanding of career: Career is what you plan to pursue in the future. It could be anything from a lawyer to an NRL Player. It's all based on your educational life. If you do bad in school you're more likely to get a low paying job, same goes if you do good in school but you're more likely to get a high paying job.

My understanding of Kotahitanga: My understanding of Kotahitanga is it basically means either working as one or come together to achieve a goal

My understanding of Rangatiratanga: My understanding of this concept is it means leadership, But to break down the concept, ranga means to seek or research, tira means group and tanga means action. So Rangatiratanga means seeking/researching for a group and that is the action.

How do the concepts relate to future planning: These concepts relate so much to future planning like career is basically future planning. Kotahitanga relates to future planning because not all jobs require independence and working alone you need to work as one to achieve your goal in getting a job that requires team work. Now last but not least rangatiratanga. The bosses and managers research you and a group to see if you are fit for the job you are willing to persue.

What have I learnt during this topic: I have learnt about taxes, incomes and what your yearly salary will be of whatever job your are trying to pursue. I also learnt how many years it takes to get a job.

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